Autumn Wild Mountain Black
Simply put...
A smooth full bodied black tea with the sweet taste of the mountains
In more Depth...
Origin / Garden name and location : Xitou Village, Wuyuan Town, Jiangxi Province
Harvest Time/Date of plucking : Autumn
Cultivar : Heirloom cultivar (quntizhong)
Grade : First Grade
Plucking standard : 1 bud 2-3 leaves
Experience : A smooth full bodied black tea with the sweet taste of the mountains
How to make Autumn Wild Mountain Black Tea
Amount of tea per serving (200 ml): 2g (half tea caddy spoon / 1 teaspoon)
Temperature of water: 100℃
Infusion time: 2-3 minutes as desired
Number of infusions: 3
How to enjoy: No milk, no sugar
More Details...
In 2005 this Organic Farmer’s Association was one of the first group farmer associations in China to achieve fair trade certification and has since become a vibrant producer organization focused on producing high-quality, organic teas. Community Development Funds are used to help the community through initiatives focused on education, training & productivity. A great example of how tea + communities + tea drinkers prepared to pay a fair price for tea can make a real difference