Buddika’s Wild Harvest blend (Black Sri Lankan Tea)
Simply put...
This beautiful Sri Lankan Black Tea makes a balanced tea with both strength and subtle sweetness - perfect for morning or afternoon tea
In more depth...
Tea Name : Buddhika's Black Sri Lankan Tea
Tea Maker : Buddhika Dissanayake
Cultivar : This is a blend of wild-harvested tea leaves and farmers' tea. The wild-harvested tea is from Camellia sinensis var. assamica, which provides strength and robustness. The farmers’ tea, developed by the Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka, is a hybrid cultivar influenced by sinensis sinensis, which adds sweetness and a delicate flavor profile.
Origin : Outgrowers in the Adams peak area carefully selected by Buddhika to meet his high standards of land stewardship [forest friendly tea production, environmental sustainability & community empowerment]
Harvest Time : Throughout the year
Processing : Hand Processed by skilled artisans
Experience : A bright uplifting cup perfect for morning or afternoon tea
Last visited by Comins : Last visit from Buddikha to Comins Dec 2023
How to prepare [Western Style]..
Amount of tea per bowl (200 ml): 2.5 g (1 tsp)
Water temperature: 100℃
Infusion / brewing time: 2-3 minutes
Number of infusions: 2-3
How to enjoy: No sugar, no milk
Tales of the Tea Trade : Forest Tea

Buddikha established his company with the explicit mission to maximize local income-generation, while promoting environmental stewardship in less-developed parts of Sri Lanka. 'Part of our responsibility is to empower the women of the village, small scale tea farmers and local industries of the area. We employ village women and ensure the sustainable skill development and living standard improvement by sharing the profit percentage with them. Some of our packagings are locally produced by villagers providing an extra income source to their families. The company aims to do so by employing and training the local workforce (and neighbouring out-growers) to produce high value-added products and services, using locally available products. The farmers are encouraged to practice reforestation and forest friendly practices to preserve forest and wide biodiversity, while protecting and restoring local forests, water systems and other ecosystem service. The farmers holding hands with us are paid high rates for the tea leaves'