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Taiwan Style Shui Xian : Sijichun Oolong Tea

Taiwan Style Shui Xian : Sijichun Oolong Tea


Simply put...

A complex 'Taiwan Style Shui Xian' oolong with a rich, honeyed flavour. 

Having spent many years in China tea maker YuWen has used her knowledge, experience and expertise to make this tea using the local four seasons Si Ji Chun cultivar which is medium baked.   This tea is named in order to highlight the similar characteristics to the Chinese Shui Xian from Wuyi.  It is not intended as a 'copy' more a unique tea in its own right with recognisable characteristics.  

In more depth...

Tea Maker : Processing Mr Chen.  Processing is similar to the the famous Wuyi oolongs, although it is often baked to a higher level. and Baked by Yu Wen : For this Shui Xian this baking is key, as this is actually a Taiwanese oolong made using the Sijichun cultivar

Leaf Origin : Mr Chen : 1/5 Hectare : Ming Jian Township , Nantou,  300-400metres above sea level  

Harvest Time End of April

Note on harvest time & baking : The fresh Spring tea from this garden is used for Bao Zhong.  For this tea it is baked after mellowing [as for Dong Ding]

Cultivar Sijichun Interested to learn more about Taiwanese tea style, cultivar & terroir? click here to read our blog on the topic

Style  : Strip, unrolled

Baking : Level 6-7 

Plucking standard Machine plucked

Oxidation Level : 10-15%

Experience A complex oolong with a rich, honeyed flavour

This tea is the product of the highly networked tea system in Taiwan : in this case the tea is grown and initially processed by one family before being finished by another.  To learn more about our partnerships in Taiwan and who we work with to bring you these great teas please do head over to our blog > what you read here is just part of our commitment to greater transparency in tea.

More information

Shui Xian oolong originates from the Wuyi Mountains in China's Fujian Province, although it is now grown elsewhere in China and Taiwan. 

How to prepare Taiwan Style Shui Xian [Gong Fu Style]...


Amount of tea per cup (200 ml): 5-7g (one tea caddy spoon)


Temperature of water: 90℃ / 194℉


Infusion / brewing time: 30 seconds initially, then longer according to taste

Number of infusions: Multiple

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