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China 2024 Day 3 : Xiaohu town : Ms Zeng & Mr Shen

China 2024 Day 3 :  Xiaohu town : Ms Zeng & Mr Shen

Welcome to the third in our series of blogs documenting our tea & teaware sourcing trip to China & South Korea.  At Comins we are very fortunate to have friends all over the tea world.  When we visit them on our trips we promise to share what we learn & in our recent survey you shared that our blog is one of the best ways to do that.  So we hope you enjoy the journey!. In our second blog we shared our time with Mr Lang & Liou Juli.  When the time came to leave we boarded a train to meet Ms Zeng -...

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China 2024 Day 2 : China Day 2 : Green tea with Liao Juli & Mr Lang

China 2024 Day 2 : China Day 2 : Green tea with Liao Juli & Mr Lang

Welcome to the second in our series of blogs documenting our tea & teaware sourcing trip to China & South Korea.  At Comins we are very fortunate to have friends all over the tea world.  When we visit them on our trips we promise to share what we learn & in our recent survey you shared that our blog is one of the best ways to do that.  So we hope you enjoy the journey!. .In our first blog we shared our time in Yixing.  From here we were to head to Hangzhou East where we would meet one of my earliest...

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China 2024 Day 1 : Yixing: the home of Zisha Teapots

China 2024 Day 1 : Yixing: the home of Zisha Teapots

Welcome to the first in our series of blogs documenting our tea & teaware sourcing trip to China & South Korea.  At Comins we are very fortunate to have friends all over the tea world.  When we visit them on our trips we promise to share what we learn & in our recent survey you shared that our blog is one of the best ways to do that.  So we hope you enjoy the journey!. .We started this years trip with a whistle-stop afternoon in Yixing to see our old friend Mr Fan and Liqin Fan.  We have written about...

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An exploration of Sri Lankan Artisan Teas

An exploration of Sri Lankan Artisan Teas

In April we were honored to welcome three very special visitors to Comins to share the story of Artisan Sri Lankan tea with us; [from left to right]  Simon, Buddhika & Neethanjama.  Buddhika is a great friend of ours at Comins and we were delighted to welcome him again - this time with friends from the  Ceylon Artisanal Tea Association (CATA).   . . The group were at Comins to share the story [& of course taste] the new wave of handmade teas from Sri Lanka.  We started with Simon Bell sharing a bit of the history of the Sri Lankan tea industry with us . 'Sri...

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Reflections : A year with tea : April : Connection

Reflections : A year with tea : April : Connection

Welcome to our year with tea Throughout 2024 we will be sharing our year with tea; embracing tea through the seasons both at home & in the tea fields.   As this is the only full year our pop up Shatwell Tea House will be open we are taking the opportunity to document the space throughout the year & share it with you all.  In this blog we offer our reflections on April - starting with stories from the Tea Houses and then looking at activity with some of our friends and partners around the tea world. For April our theme was connection.   . Reflections on April....Connection at our Tea Houses Our...

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Buy Fine Tea

At Comins we aim to make it simple for you to find and enjoy fine single estate teas. Rob & Michelle have been travelling the world since 2007 meeting and building relationships with dedicated growers to bring you a range of loose leaf teas that offer an excellent balance of quality and value. We also offer a hand-picked selection of teaware including our our exclusive British made range of tea bowls, tins & spoons designed by us & handmade by quality British craftspeople.

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